today is: 2024/09/11
Limo Here at a click of a button.

Free reservation tracking service and 20 free passenger referrals.

The following 3 images show an example of what your passengers will see as your limo approaches when you use our service. "D" indicates driver, "P" - Passenger. Feel free to contact us to setup a personalized demo.

limo far. limo closer. limo near.

LIMOHERE.COM is introducing a free service to find and display a location of a driver and/or a passenger on a cell phone!

Would your customers like to see the exact location on the map of the driver of the limo that is coming to pick them up? You can use this service also to reduce the chances that a competing limo driver picks up your customer (intentionally or by mistake). This could free up your dispatch at busy times.

Would your drivers like to see the exact position of the passenger on the map? This would speed up passenger pickup process. This also could free up your dispatch at busy times.

Do you, as a limo business owner, need to see on the map the location of your drivers on a map (regardless of what they want you to believe). We think that the answer is yes, since this can also dramatically reduce the time required for you to pickup the passenger who requested a booking, as well as other reasons.

To accomplish all of the above - all you need is a web enabled cellphone and our service.